I am a leadership and human capital strategist. I help entrepreneurs and small business owners thrive through purposeful leadership and sensible human capital investment strategies. Human capital is the greatest investment an entrepreneur can make in business. By understanding the true ROI on human capital, a business owner can decipher when to invest in an employee, hire a contractor or enlist the investment of a partnership. It all boils down to growth strategy. I believe successful businesses plan for growth. By doing so, business leaders are purposeful about human capital strategy, systemization of business operations and leadership principles that focus on happy, mindful and well employees.
My business focuses on leadership and human capital strategies that are employee-centric. I believe that human capital is a businesses greatest investment. While other business consultants may focus on customer first or other bottom-line focused tactics, my strategies show business leaders how to invest sensibly, purposefully and strategically in human capital.
Many entrepreneurs and small business owners thrive in their passion (that service or product that they sell), yet they suffer in business administration and other human resource management tasks. I offer outsourced HR management services from candidate search to termination and everything in between. My strategies are founded in the engagement of a happy, mindful and well workplace culture that honors employees and their impact on service delivery – the measure of a company’s true bottom-line.
For solopreneurs, I assist with growth strategy – getting from “me to we”, in ways that increase productivity and systematize business operations BEFORE hiring employees. Once the solopreneur is ready to hire a staff, workplace culture and leader strategy is established; HR strategy and policy is in place; a growth plan is engaged (growth in number as well as development); and the entrepreneur has systemized her business in a way that compliments her work style and business acumen. My strategies are employee-centric because the greatest investment a business owner can make is in human capital – the people on the front line of serving clients/customers and creating service excellence.